Mark of No

Once, far decades ago, love was more than a dream or hope…it was an unscheduled expectation; a promised someday….perhaps even a divine obligation waiting to be fulfilled.

But evidently not for her.

No, on some obscure list her name had been marked through with a heavy black line.

A thorny-bracelet mark on her heart was seared brand yet oozing, gall wending through arteries up into her aubergine-clouded eyes, painting the message for all to read: “damaged goods, beware”.

She stands, back plank-rigid against the coastal wind, gazing undecided at incoming dark sapphire tide.

She could vow a million times that it doesn’t matter, “tell almost the whole story” to herself…but the sirens ever call her, a serenade of sea’s soothing depths.


Denise hosts Six Sentence Stories each week.  Her prompt word this time is “mark”, and she includes the quote by Anne Sexton:  “Tell almost the whole story.”

©Avia Morrow, 2020 ~ All rights reserved.